If you haven’t finalized your seed selection for 2018, there’s still time. Stine® has a wide range of high-yielding hybrids in our 2018 seed corn lineup, which makes it easy to choose the right seed for your field. And, with the industry’s largest soybean breeding program, we have an unmatched selection of high-performing varieties in every maturity range with the trait packages growers want. Consider these Stine corn hybrids and soybean varieties for your acres in 2018.
Stine Conventional Corn: Not every situation calls for traits. Stine is one of the only corn companies that actively develops NEW conventional genetics to sell to growers. While most seed companies are aligned with a specific line of insect or herbicide-tolerant traits, as an independent seed company, Stine keeps its base breeding program conventional. This allows us to work with any trait or trait provider, while also allowing us to bring brand new conventional genetics to the market. Stine is excited to offer some very promising new conventional lines for 2018, along with conventional versions of some of our most trusted genetics. Learn more about Stine conventional corn in this video.
Stine Agrisure® Corn: Stine has a complete lineup of Agrisure trait options for growers. From herbicide options to season-long insect protection, the Stine Agrisure portfolio continues to be one of the top-performing corn trait packages in our lineup. One of the newest powerful trait platforms is Stine Agrisure Duracade® brand corn, which is an excellent option for growers experiencing heavy corn rootworm pressure. While growers may have uncertainties about planting Duracade in 2018 because the trait lacks registration in certain international markets, with a stewardship plan in place, growers can still sell their seed in the United States and Canada or utilize it for livestock feeding. Approximately 1,800 locations around the country are accepting Duracade traited corn, making it more convenient for growers across the Corn Belt to sell their crop. Learn more about Stine Agrisure Duracade brand corn.
Stine HP Corn®: A number of our traited and non-traited hybrids feature the Stine HP Corn designation. Stine HP Corn is our one-of-a-kind corn hybrid line created specifically for high-population environments. These hybrids tend to be shorter and narrower in stature and feature the stalk strength and disease package to thrive when planted in higher densities, helping growers achieve outstanding yields — in some cases, the highest yields they’ve ever seen. Learn more about Stine HP Corn.
Stine LibertyLink® Soybeans: More and more growers are turning to Stine LibertyLink soybeans for outstanding yields and weed control. Stine LibertyLink soybeans combine high-yielding genetics with outstanding crop safety through built-in tolerance to Liberty® herbicide. Liberty herbicide controls more than 120 broadleaf weeds and grasses, including ALS- and glyphosate-resistant weeds. What's more, there is no documented weed resistance to the unique mode of action of Liberty worldwide in broadacre crops. Learn more.
Stine GT 27 Soybeans: Stine is pleased to offer new Stine GT 27 brand soybeans. The latest trait option in our soybean portfolio, Stine GT 27 brand soybeans feature high-yielding genetics with the benefits of weed control in a glyphosate-tolerant soybean system. In 2017, we surveyed Stine growers who planted Stine GT 27 brand soybeans for the first time, and many noted that Stine GT 27 generated their highest yields to date. Learn more here.
Stine Elite Soybeans: Whether your situation calls for SCN resistance, Rps1k Phytophthora tolerance or just the highest yielding genetics available today, Stine Elite soybeans should be your top choice for maximum yields. Learn more about Stine Elite Soybeans here.
To view our full lineup of corn and soybeans, check out our 2018 Stine Seed Catalog.
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