Aerosol Beam Injector
A New Technology in Gene Transformation
The Stine Aerosol Beam Injector system is a newly patented gene transformation technology for the seed industry. Genetic transformation inserting genetic material into targeted plant material to create to specific chemicals, or to produce desired levels of proteins or oils. Developed by researchers at Stine Biotechnology, Ames, Iowa, the system represents the next great advancement in gene transformation.

The Stine Aerosol Beam Injector system differs from other gene transformation technologies in two ways: 1) The method of delivering the genetic material into the target plant tissue and, 2) the types of genetic material that can be delivered.
The Stine Aerosol Beam Injector employs an aerosol solution in which the genetic material is suspended. The solution is forced through a small orifice (or nozzle), and then into a vacuum chamber in which the target plant material is staged. As this ‘stream’ of aerosolized mixture moves from an area of extremely high pressure to extremely low pressure, the velocity of the stream increases to supersonic speed. This allows the mixture to enter the target plant material with minimal cell disruption.
The most-often used technology today, the “gene gun,” employs tungsten or gold particles which are coated with DNA and “shot” into the target plant material. Because no carrier material is used, the Stine Aerosol Beam Injector system utilizes particles some 100 times smaller than the older technology, resulting in less plant material damage.
While previous technologies allowed are primarily limited to the transfer of DNA only, the Stine Aerosol Beam Injector works well for inserting DNA, RNA, proteins and other genetic material.
Putting The Technology To Use
The ability to employ such a wide range of genetic materials enables Stine researchers and breeders to develop seed genetics with far greater depth and complexity than ever before, opening the door to the next era of elite genetics for U.S. grain farmers. Stine and its strategic partners will be able to access this new technology to develop the genetic lines farmers will need to meet the challenges of production, profitability and environmental stewardship in the 21st century.
Aerosol Beam Injector technology offers Stine total freedom to operate, to insert traits of interest from any source into Stine’s elite germplasm. In this way, Stine will be able to continue its industry-leading tradition of bringing the best genetics and traits to American farmers.
As always, Stine is dedicated to providing the best seed for each growing situation. The Aerosol Beam Injector will provide farmers unprecedented access to the genetic diversity and specialized seed products, which are the future of farming.
Aerosol Beam Injector
- With ABI, genetic material is delivered via a simple aerosol suspension.
- WIth ABI, researchers can insert elements other than DNA, including RNA, proteins and enzymes.
- Since ABI relies on the steady flow of an aerosol in a computer-guided pattern, very precise targeting of plant tissue is possible
Gene Gun
- With the gene gun, DNA must be coated onto small particles of tungsten or gold. This process adds to the cost and complexity.
- Because of the particle-coating process described above, delivery of material using the gene gun is limited to DNA only.
- The gene gun’s single-fire “shotgun” approach does not allow for precise targeting of tissue.