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Considering Fungicides?

July 2016 

As corn continues to tassel, it’s time to determine if you should spray fungicide on your corn acres. In Region 4, we’re starting to see some diseases, such as northern corn leaf blight and gray leaf spot, out in the field. These areas would greatly benefit from fungicide applications to help protect yield. While growers may be concerned with the initial costs of fungicide, the benefits of the applications will outweigh the costs come harvest.

Another factor to consider when deciding whether or not to apply fungicide is the weather. Many corn diseases can thrive in areas that have received too much or too little rain. Applying a fungicide around tassel time helps keep weather-related diseases at bay. And while the weather may be cooperating for your fields so far this year, there’s no guarantee the tides won’t turn in the coming weeks. Hail and high-wind events can tear leaves and increase the chances of diseases getting into those leaves.

As a Stine agronomist, I know it’s better to be proactive than reactive when it comes to corn diseases. Applying fungicide will help protect your yield through harvest and maximize your profits.