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Considering Increasing Planting Populations in Corn? Read This.

February 2019 

A question I get asked a lot from growers this time of year is “Can I increase populations if I’m in a wider row?” Whether it’s 30-inch or 36-inch rows, growers want to know if their hybrids can withstand increased planting populations to achieve higher bushels.

The first thing I recommend to growers considering increasing planting populations is to talk to your local Stine representative. We know our hybrids well, and we know which ones are better able to withstand higher planting populations in wider rows. In fact, we developed an entire lineup of hybrids to withstand higher populations to maximize yields — Stine® HP Corn®. But it’s more than just choosing the right genetics. It’s also about determining the appropriate populations for your fields’ unique growing conditions and following optimum management practices, like applying adequate nutrients, which all play a role in the success of our hybrids. This is where your Stine rep comes in.

One of the first questions I ask growers who ask me about increasing populations is, “What did you plant last year?” or “What do you plan on planting this year?” Whether the answer is 15,000, 25,000 or 30,000 plants per acre, depending on the hybrid, I typically recommend bumping planting populations for specific Stine numbers by approximately 10 percent.

That being said, before going all in, work with your Stine rep to do some yield trials on your farm. If you want to test different population increases, start small and then use the data from those trials to determine which hybrids and which populations best suit your farm.

To find your local Stine sales representative, use our Find Stine app. Happy planting!