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Consult with A Stine Sales Rep for Your 2018 Planting Plan

January 2018 

Stine is growing, and so is our team of highly dedicated sales agronomists. Our experts in the field are available to provide growers across the country product and crop management knowledge to help maximize potential of each and every acre they operate.  

“We strive to be a true partner — someone who can be trusted, an advisor on that farm. And our folks are trained in such a way to bring that value to the farmer… We’re not out just trying to sell a bag of seed, we’re out to bring value and help the farm grow.” — RSA Luke Crawford

Stine’s sales team members take their cues from farmers throughout their sales region(s). They know what works and what doesn’t in their areas because they spend the entire planting, growing and harvest season in the field, fine-tuning their knowledge about why certain hybrids outperform others in certain soil types and which soybean herbicide programs are really working. They know your neighbors and your neighbors’ neighbors and which products have benefited those farms.

“They are strategically located throughout our area, and these guys, they KNOW because they are out in the fields every day…They are a good source of local information that really needs to be utilized.” — RSA Kevin Ryan

Stine sales reps are your one-stop resource for agronomy. Don’t hesitate to contact them at any time, especially now when it’s time to map out your planting plan for 2018. If you’re unsure who your local sales rep may be, visit our website to find out.