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Farmers: Stewards of the Land

April 2016 

As we celebrate Earth Day, we are reminded how important it is to protect our environment. But for farmers, every day is Earth Day, as Earth carries a farmer’s most precious commodity — soil.

A healthy crop relies on soil for many things — nutrients, hydration, stability and growth — so it’s imperative that farmers take care of the land not only for the benefit of their crops, but also for future generations as many hope to pass the farm down to their children. From cover crops to crop rotation and buffer strips to no till fields, farmers work day in and day out to keep the land they work fertile and healthy.

Many every day farming practices that help protect the environment are often overlooked. This is why it’s important to spread the message about best agriculture practices. One way some Stine employees do this is through the CropLife Ambassador Network.

The CropLife Ambassador Network is an outreach program designed to educate grade-school students about the importance of American agriculture. CropLife Ambassador Network volunteers visit classrooms and provide presentations to students on a variety of agricultural topics, including how farmers serve as stewards of the land.

To young students who are several generations removed from the farm, this is an excellent opportunity to show them how growers work to protect the environment. Teaching them at such a young age helps ensure they carry this message throughout their lives, sharing what they learn with their parents and friends to expand the reach of the message.

We are grateful to have employees involved in such a worthwhile cause. And today at Stine, we celebrate all farmers who work tirelessly to serve as stewards of the land they work.

For more information on the CropLife Ambassador Network, visit