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Get to know Stine® 9714 Brand Corn — a leader in the short-stature corn movement

June 2022 

Stine® 9714 brand corn is making waves in the industry as a leader in the short-stature corn game. As one of our Yield+ advantage corn lines, Stine 9714-G is already one of our top-performing products as evidenced by its performance in our Elite Yield Trials. In fact, in the trial average, it produces a $66.80 per acre yield advantage.

But 9714’s proven performance doesn’t stop with our yield trials. Here’s what customers are saying about the product in their operations:

Yield+ Corn Tour testimonials

Bob Manning, Waukee, Iowa, 9714-G
Customer Bob Manning has relied on the powerful genetics of Stine 9714-G brand corn for years. As a primarily corn-on-corn operation, he appreciates 9714's shorter stature and ability to thrive under Iowa’s cooler spring conditions. At 107-days relative maturity, Stine 9714 is a great option for growers who want to plant early.

“9714 … it’s a racehorse. And what that hybrid has — I call it vigor — it will blow out of the ground. I mean, I don’t care how cold it is. I get a little carried away sometimes and start planting a little early. You know, I might plant 5th of April, 10th of April, when it’s not really all that warm, but I have found that if I think it’s a little cool yet, that’s the hybrid I want to be planting early … I’m not the corn scientist like a lot of people are, but the cold germ on 9714 is tremendous. I mean every single plant grows no matter how cold that ground is. You can put it on 45-degree ground, and it will blow out of the ground like it’s 60 degrees.”

Another advantage of Stine 9714-G brand corn that Bob appreciates — as a shorter-stature hybrid, it has great standability and less biomass.  

“I want something shorter so the wind doesn’t blow it down. I think that’s a big part of that smaller corn … and with residue management when you’re corn on corn, I don’t want a lot of stalks. I want that shorter stalk to get rid of that residue.”

And as Bob would say, to achieve top-end yields, “It comes down to hybrid selection.” Learn more about Bob’s experience with 9714-G and other Stine products in his visit with Myron Stine.

Daron Judd, Lostant, Illinois, 9714-0
For Illinois grower Daron Judd, Stine 9714-0 comes to mind right away when asked about his favorite corn product. At 107-days relative maturity, 9714-0 is the earliest corn he plants on his farm.

We like to get started with that [9714-0]; that way come fall, we can get going combining a little bit early. … What we found with 9714 is that even though it’s a 107-day corn, we’ve actually had years, not just year, YEARS where it has yielded just as good as our 114-day corn.”

Daron’s yield goal is 300+ bushels/acre each year, and he achieves that by pushing populations, something he’s able to do with Stine 9714-0. “It seems to handle the high populations very well.” 

Residue management is important for Daron in years when he plants corn on corn.

“It is shorter in stature, which we like — less biomass … We get in, we’re able to manage the residue easier with your shorter stature corn.”

He also adds, “It just seems to respond well to fungicide, and we’re a firm believer in that on the farm. 9714 is definitely one of our favorites.”

Check out Daron’s full interview with Myron Stine on the Stine Seedcast.

Other advantages

Stine 9714 brand corn comes both as conventional (9714-0) and glyphosate-tolerant (9714-G). It’s 105-107-day relative maturity and performs best at average to higher planting populations. It’s a workhorse that works hard for growers all season long.

For more information on Stine 9714 brand corn, contact your local sales rep.