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Gratitude and season’s greetings from Stine

December 2021 

Happy holidays and season’s greetings from Stine! We hope your gatherings are filled with joy and laughter. As we reflect on the last year, we’re considering all the good things we’ve experienced, like our partnerships with growers and dealers across the nation and the achievements we’ve made together.

We owe the success of our company to these partnerships and, of course, our Stine family, including those in the office, in the field, on the road and at home. They support us as we make strides in the world of agriculture, and we’re pleased that our accomplishments help advance their efforts, too.

This year and every year, we’re grateful for everyone who makes our work in the agriculture industry all the more fulfilling. Thank you for a great year, and we wish you all the best as you embark on the new year ahead.

Stine looks forward to more memorable moments and continued successes with you in the new year. Happy holidays!