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Harvest 2018 Commences

September 2018 

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, both corn and soybean harvest are well underway throughout the United States. Their weekly report covers 18 states that harvested 94 percent of the corn acreage and 95 percent of the soybean acreage in 2017.

As of September 23, 16 percent of corn has been harvested, slightly ahead of the 2013–2017 average of 11 percent. Corn conditions are listed as 22 percent excellent, 47 percent good, 19 percent fair and 12 percent in poor to very poor condition.

Soybean harvest is listed as 14 percent complete, six percent ahead of the 2013–2017 average. Soybean conditions are listed as 19 percent excellent, 49 percent good, 22 percent fair and 10 percent as poor to very poor.

While harvest is still in the early stages for Stine growers, early results have delivered on our Stine has yield promise. A Stine® 9709-G and 9808E-20 brand corn plot in Luka, Illinois, planted in the Stine Twin 20-inch row configuration at 36,000 population averaged 256 bushels per acre. In Breese, Illinois, a Stine grower chopped a 9808E-20 brand corn field planted at 38,000 population in 15-inch rows that yielded 250 bushels per acre. We’re also getting some really great yield reports from Stine GT27 and LibertyLink® GT27 brand soybeans, which we will reveal in an upcoming edition of Stine Weekly.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more harvest updates, and don’t forget to talk to your local Stine sales rep about our corn and soybean lineup for 2019.