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Harvest Update: Region 1 (Central Minnesota/West Central Wisconsin)

September 2016 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reports that 79 percent of soybeans in Minnesota are in good or excellent condition with 13 percent harvested. In Wisconsin, 84 percent are in good or excellent condition with only one percent harvested. For corn, 84 percent is in good or excellent condition in Minnesota with three percent harvested, and 87 percent is in good or excellent condition in Wisconsin with two percent harvested.

That being said, I hear from a lot of growers in the region who hope to start harvesting early because of heavy insect pressure that came from a wet mid-summer growing season. For growers who didn’t use fungicides this year, they’re anxious to hit the fields to ensure their stalk quality hasn’t been compromised. Unfortunately, however, the region has received heavy rainfalls over the past few weeks, pushing back harvest for some.  

Areas in southern Minnesota and west central Wisconsin experienced anywhere from three to 14 inches of rain. Waseca, Minnesota, for example, saw up to 14 inches of rain in two days, and ears are still under water. In cases like this, fungicide treatments would have paid off for a number of these growers and is something they may want to consider when planning for 2017.

But, at the end of every storm there’s a rainbow. Areas in Region 1 that were not affected by the overabundance of rain during pollination and received timely rains during the growing season are looking forward to record yields this season. I look forward to seeing some big numbers from these areas.