If you’re a soybean grower, chances are you’ve planted soybeans that originated with Stine. A majority of the soybean genetics planted in the United States today start with us — a testament to our outstanding breeding program. To ensure only the highest-yielding varieties carry the Stine name, we spend more than six years breeding and testing soybean lines. Only the top five percent of our pre-Elite varieties advance into Stine’s Elite Yield Trials to undergo rigorous testing for maturity, yield and standability. The soybeans that come out of these trials represent our newest, highest-yielding material.
Our Stine® Elite® Soybean lineup is made up of our newest and most trusted non-traited soybean varieties and are an excellent option for growers who prefer conventional systems. Growers can choose from a broad selection of 28 Elite soybean options, which come in an array of maturities, ranging from an 06 to a 44. Some of the new varieties in our Elite soybean lineup this year include:
Stine 07J22 Brand Soybeans — Stine 07J22 brand soybeans are a 07/08 maturity variety that yielded 104.4 percent of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials. The variety features a medium to shorter-than-average plant height for good emergence and standability. It also boasts a salt includer and resistance to Phytophthora root rot and SCN (peking), in addition to stem canker resistance. Learn more here.
Stine 24J02 Brand Soybeans — This is a 24 maturity variety that has exceptional yield potential. This variety yielded 107.0 percent of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials. It has a very good rating for emergence and standability, in addition to Phytophthora root rot tolerance. Learn more here.
Stine 35J02 Brand Soybeans — Stine 35J02 brand soybeans are known for their superior yield potential. This 35 maturity variety yielded 108.3 percent of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials. It also features resistance to stem canker, SCN, Phytophthora root rot and boasts good resistance against sudden death syndrome. Learn more.
Stine 44J02 Brand Soybeans — This 44 maturity variety features a medium plant height with salt includer. It holds a very good rating for emergence and standability, in addition to Rps 1a Phytophthora root rot resistance. It’s also brown stem rot, stem canker and SCN resistant. This variety boasts outstanding yield potential and yielded 105.0 percent of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials. Learn more here.
With an unmatched breeding program and a reputation for the finest genetics in the industry, it’s easy to see why growers choose Stine Elite Soybeans. Whether your situation calls for SCN resistance, Rps1k Phytophthora tolerance or just the highest-yielding genetics available, consider Stine Elite Soybeans.
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