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HP Corn in 38-Inch Rows

January 2017 

Most corn hybrids do not possess the right genetics to thrive at significantly higher planting populations. That’s why Stine develops genetically unique corn hybrids that are able to withstand narrower rows and higher populations. Our HP Corn® hybrids feature genetics that create outstanding roots and stalks to help plants stay standing in higher populations and have leaves that grow upright to capture more sunlight.

When most people think of Stine HP Corn, they think of narrow rows, such as 15-inch or twin 20-inch rows. However, at Stine, we are finding that our HP Corn hybrids also work well in wide row spacing. Growers in the mid-south delta region are finding success in 38-inch rows. Cotton is a top cash crop for many growers in this region, and most use 38- to 40-inch row spacing for optimum stand. Rather than purchasing a new planter or trying to reconfigure their current planter to adjust row spacing, it’s becoming common practice for this region to plant corn in 38-inch rows and even twin-row 38s.

The key to the success of HP Corn in these wider configurations lies in the genetics.

“Genetics in HP Corn are brand new to the industry. The shorter stature corn, better root systems of the plants and toughness of the stalks are nothing like I’ve seen over the past 20 years I’ve been working in this business,” notes Kevin Ryan, regional sales agronomist for Stine. “The yields we’re seeing from shorter corn, traited or conventional, in wider rows has been good or even better than other hybrids in this region.”

In simple terms, more plants per acre equals more ears per acre which give us more yield per acre. The more common and older corn genetics simply don’t stand at harvest with increased populations. You may get the ears, but the stalks wouldn’t stay standing through harvest. Our new HP Corn hybrids are designed to handle higher populations and stand through harvest. In both 30- and 38-inch rows, increasing population with Stine HP Corn hybrids by a minimum of 10 percent and increasing both nitrogen and sulfur to match your yield goals, can give you the yield boost you need to increase your income per acre. We all know every field is different so talk to a Stine sales rep to determine if Stine HP Corn will fit your operation.

For more information on HP Corn in 38-inch rows, contact RSA Kevin Ryan or your local Stine sales rep. To learn more about HP Corn, visit our website