We’re pleased to unveil the 2022 Stine Seed Company Catalog! For more than 50 years, we have invested our resources in building the relationships, systems and techniques needed to develop and evaluate corn and soybean genetics. Thanks to our years of expertise and the yield data we’ve captured through our Elite Yield Trials program, we’ve selected the highest-yielding, top-performing seed in our 2022 corn and soybean lineup.
Stine Yield+ Advantage Corn and Soybeans
New in 2022, we’re pleased to offer growers Yield+ Advantage corn and Enlist E3® soybeans. Our Yield+ Advantage products are some of our top performers in our Elite Yield Trials and are carefully selected based on yield differential and market price calculations. You can identify these products in this year’s catalog by their Yield+ designation.
2022 Seed Corn Lineup
Stine is building better corn faster with the industry’s most prolific, highest-yielding corn breeding program. We bring genetics that cannot be found in any other company’s seed bag, and we feature a mix of traited and conventional products that excel in any field type. Growers seeking the industry’s top trait packages for weed control, disease resistance and insect protection, or who are looking to save some cash with a conventional option, need look no further than Stine’s 2022 corn lineup. We have Agrisure®, LibertyLink®, Herculex® I and our line of Stine GT™ traits, in addition to several HP Corn® designated products for maximum returns in higher populations. We also have the latest in conventional options. Our conventional corn features premium genetics — the ones we use to build our traited products. Products range from 76 to 119 days relative maturity.
2022 Stine Soybean Lineup
Stine Enlist E3 soybeans feature elite, high-yielding germplasm from some of the industry’s best breeding programs with an advanced herbicide-tolerant trait technology, and once again, Stine is pleased to bring growers the industry’s most extensive lineup of Enlist E3 soybean varieties. We have 166 different options for growers to choose from in 2022 — including 89 new varieties —ranging from a 0007 to a 26 maturity.
Stine Enlist E3 soybeans offer maximum flexibility and convenience through the ability to use three unique modes of action for exceptional weed control, including glyphosate, glufosinate, and the new 2,4-D choline component included in Enlist Duo® and Enlist One® herbicides. Be sure to check out our unique line of Stine Yield+ Advantage Enlist E3 soybeans!
Growers seeking outstanding weed control with herbicide flexibility also have the advantage of Stine LibertyLink® GT27® soybeans next planting season. We have a complete lineup of LibertyLink GT27 soybeans that offer the high-yielding, elite genetics growers expect from Stine, plus full-season weed control through tolerance to three unique sites of action: glyphosate (pre or post), Liberty® (pre or post), plus Group 27/HPPD inhibitor tolerance to isoxaflutole (pre only, where labeled in limited areas) and mesotrione (pre only). We have 25 options, ranging from a 04 to a 47 maturity.
We also have a line of XtendFlex® soybeans available for growers — 10 varieties that range from a 07 to a 45 maturity. XtendFlex soybeans feature built-in tolerance to both dicamba, glyphosate and now glufosinate herbicides.
And, growers who want to save a little money without sacrificing yield can turn to our line of Elite Conventional Soybeans. With Stine Elite Conventional Soybeans, growers don’t have to settle for old genetics, as we continually develop new conventional soybean seed. Our conventional soybeans are backed by years of research and data and have passed through our rigorous Elite Yield Trials, meaning they’re comprised of our best genetic material.
To learn more about our 2022 corn and soybean lineup, including our new Stine Yield+ Advantage products, contact your local Stine sales rep. You can also view our 2022 Stine Seed Company Catalog here.
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