Genetics are the cornerstone of any high-yielding corn seed. While traits should never be an afterthought, remember that elite germplasm is what really drives yield. Stine® is home to one of the most prolific, highest-yielding corn breeding programs in the world; our Elite Yield Trials evaluate tens of thousands of lines to deliver more consistent, high-yielding corn genetics to growers’ fields faster than ever, including our lineup of conventional seed corn. In fact, since all of Stine’s corn inbreds begin as conventional, that means that our conventional seed corn represents the newest, highest-yielding corn genetics that Stine has to offer.
Stine is excited to offer some very promising new conventional lines for 2018, as well as conventional versions of some of Stine’s most trusted genetics. Some of those conventional lines are designated HP Corn®, which means that they are built to provide maximum returns when planted at higher populations. Stine genetics are known for excellent standability, strong performance in various soil types and environments, good stress tolerance in variable field conditions, excellent drydown for earlier harvest and the ability to thrive in different row configurations.
If managing weeds in conventional corn is weighing on your mind, the good news is there are plenty of alternatives. Pre-emerge products such as Dual II Magnum®, AAtrex® and Callisto® can be used as a burndown in no-till systems and as post-plant prior to emergence. Post-emerge products such as Steadfast® Q and Callisto® + Atrazine can help control grasses and broadleaves through harvest. If pest pressure becomes a concern, there are also a number of post-emerge products to help control pests like European corn borer, western bean cutworm and corn earworm, as well as provide moderate control of corn rootworm. Products such as Capture® LFR®, Lorsban® 15G and SmartChoice® offer below-ground protection when properly applied; and Baythroid® XL, Lorsban® and Warrior II offer above-ground protection (early and late). Remember to always consult the label for local restrictions, crop height restrictions and pre-harvest intervals prior to use of these products.
If you are interested in learning more about Stine’s powerful lineup of conventional corn genetics and best management practices for producing higher yields, work with your local Stine independent sales representative or regional sales agronomist to help choose the right corn seed for your farm.
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