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Michelle Nelson: Educator, mother and a self-proclaimed people person

March 2022 

Teacher. Mother. Regional sales agronomist. Michelle Nelson has worn many hats and explored many passions throughout her life, but one underlying constant that drives her to do what she loves is people. She’s a self-proclaimed people person, which is why many of her roles have revolved around educating others.

A career forged by educating
Michelle was a teacher for two decades where she devoted her life to molding young minds. But when it was time for a change, she turned to the advice of some friends, which led her to the industry that feeds and fuels the world. Michelle now serves as a regional sales agronomist (RSA) for Stine’s Region 36, which covers southern North Dakota.

As an RSA, Michelle still teaches people. But, instead of educating youth, she’s working with a designated group of sales reps who look to her for advice on Stine’s product lineup, programs and agronomic support that can help their grower customers achieve (and exceed) their yield goals. One of her goals as an RSA is to grow Stine’s presence in the region and do whatever she can to help increase and retain business with growers.

A welcoming work-life balance
As a woman in agriculture, Michelle often balances her role as an RSA with the most important role there is — parenting. Fortunately, Michelle feels she has found the right balance in her career and home life.

“I love the lifestyle of my job! It is not hard to have a life outside of work. Our company is also very family oriented, so we are able to plan things around our family’s events.”

She appreciates that she can get her work done while the kids are at school and focus entirely on her family as soon as she’s off the clock.

“I have two kids. My daughter, Camry, is 16; and my son, Carter, is 13. … For the most part, I am able to get my work done while the kids are at school. They are responsible kids, so when I have to travel or have evening events, they are able to manage.”

As for Camry’s and Carter’s opinions of mom working in the ag industry, “They think it’s great, and they are proud of me for trying something new.”

Educating the next generation of women in ag
A value she tries to instill in her children each day and one she hopes the next generation of women in ag keep top of mind is to “Do something you love. Work hard and have fun doing it. It won’t be a ‘job’ then.” We’d say this is a great piece of advice for anyone in life! 

And while there are ample opportunities for women in agriculture, Michelle notes that as long as an individual is outgoing, organized and confident, they’ll excel in the industry. She also wants young women to know how fun it is, but confidence is key.

“Some might think we (as women in ag) don’t know as much. If you have confidence and you know how to connect with people, things will fall into place.”

A love for the great outdoors
Outside of the office (or field), Michelle enjoys spending time with family and traveling to the beach or mountains. She also has a passion for sports, including golf and skiing, and enjoys spending time at the family’s lake cabin.

From parenting to elevating the Stine name in southern North Dakota and everything in between, Michelle is an inspiration for those she educates and helps evolve in their own careers. Thanks, Michelle, for sharing your Women in Ag story!