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Plant 16 Progress Report (Part 3)

May 2016 

While corn planting is winding down, soybean planting is ramping up across the Midwest, but intermittent rain is affecting the last bit of Plant 16 for corn. So much so that some growers in northern Illinois are considering transitioning their last few acres of corn to beans because saturated soils are keeping them out of the field. Here’s more on the latest Plant 16 progress from Stine.

Region 2 — RSA Katie Lorenz (North Dakota, north central South Dakota, northwestern Minnesota)

We’re about 95 percent done with corn in Region 2, and we have a good start with soybeans with approximately 50 percent in the ground. We’ve really had tremendous weather for planting so far this spring. Now we hope to keep the temps up for a great start to the growing season.

Region 3 — RSA Tony Lenz (south central South Dakota, north central Nebraska and southwestern Minnesota)

Planting has been slow in most of Region 3. Nebraska and South Dakota, where we have sandy soils, have gotten some corn acres planted. The very eastern side of South Dakota is way behind on planting, and there are some thoughts on switching from corn to beans. Areas of Minnesota and Nebraska that did plant corn three weeks ago are seeing corn emerge but with some stand issues where the soils either crusted or were waterlogged. We could really use a week or more of completely dry and sunny conditions.

Region 9 — RSA Mike Smith (Kansas, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and southwest Missouri)

Corn planting is finished in southwest Missouri, eastern Kansas and eastern Texas, with good stand establishment. Planting has begun in central Kansas and is about 70 percent completed. Western Kansas and western Texas are just beginning to have good planting and growing conditions. Very few soybeans have been planted in Region 9.

We’ve received several good comments from growers regarding Stine 9427-20 and Stine 9429-20 brand corn. These hybrids have had very good emergence and continue to exhibit good nitrogen uptake with nice, dark green color compared to competitors.

Region 10 — RSA Tony Pleggenkuhle (southeast Minnesota and northeast Iowa)

We’re about 90 percent done with corn throughout southeast Minnesota and north central/northeast Iowa. About 70 percent of beans have gone in. So far we haven’t seen any issues, but there are a few people a little concerned about cold shock.

Region 11 — RSA Chuck Vaughan (east central Illinois, northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin)

Corn planting is mostly wrapped up in central Illinois, and about 80 percent finished in northern Illinois. Corn planting is under way in southern Wisconsin with about 50 percent planted. A lot of farmers opted to hold off starting beans until after the rain coming this week.