When it comes to pushing corn populations, growers need to consider a few things. First is genetics. Through decades of research, Stine has found that shorter to medium plants work well in narrow-row, high-population configurations, which is why we’ve developed many of our products to be shorter in stature, including our line of high-population corn (HP Corn®). We’ve also engineered a number of our non-designated HP Corn products to thrive in higher populations, including Stine 9542-G brand corn. The genetics in these hybrids typically produce shorter plants with excellent stalk strength for standability and upright leaves so that they’re able to more effectively harvest sunshine and moisture in more dense populations.
Stine 9542-G brand corn is a Stine GT™ designated product, which uses our genetics and trait package to provide growers with an advanced, high-performing product. Stine 9542-G has been thoroughly vetted in our Elite Yield trials and is a proven performer in narrow rows, higher populations and most soil types.
A 104–106-day relative maturity product, Stine 9542-G features glyphosate tolerance so growers can use their preferred glyphosate program. It also boasts very good protection against common leaf diseases, including gray leaf spot, southern leaf blight, northern leaf blight, eye spot, Goss’ wilt, anthracnose and common rust.
Growers can trust the excellent stalks and roots this plant produces, which is why it’s ideal to thrive in higher populations. In fact, a recent video provided by our friends at MaxYield Cooperative shows the product’s great stalk strength and excellent ear development potential.
In addition to high-yielding genetics, growers who plant Stine 9542-G brand corn need to consider crop management and inputs. Higher populations require adequate nutrients. Medium to high levels of phosphorous and potassium with the appropriate amount of nitrogen and sulfur applied at the proper time is essential. Most of this needs to be applied during the growing season as a sidedress or over the top application and must include the sulfur. Ensuring your soil has the proper nutrients and timely nitrogen applications can lead to potential yield gains of between 10 to 20 percent. Growers should also consider planting early. Delayed planting results in bigger plants and often requires shifting to a lower-population hybrid. The longer planting is delayed, adjust populations accordingly.
We look forward to seeing how Stine 9542-G brand corn yields this fall. To learn more about this product, contact your local Stine sales rep or visit our website.
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