Seed treatments can bring great value to a grower, especially those dealing with increased insect and disease pressure. That being said, with the number of seed treatment products on the market, some confusion can come about as companies market their products as the best and most effective. This is why it’s important to start at the beginning — get to know the basics about seed treatments before you select the product that will help give you the best return on your seed investment.
There are four basic tips to remember when selecting a seed treatment:
- Genetics are still number one. Seed treatments protect only the genetic potential of the seed. They cannot enhance the yield capability of the seed you buy. Always make sure you choose the best genetics on the market.
- Know the product’s ingredients. Several ingredients in seed treatments give them value. Understand the product and its strengths and weaknesses when deciding which to use.
- Understand the necessary rates and units. Simply having a product in the mix doesn’t make it effective in all circumstances. Know the product, and know the necessary rate to target pests.
- Know the three components of seed treatments — fungicides, insecticides and additives.
Fungicides protect your seed investment against unwanted soil-borne pathogens such as Pythium spp., Phytophthora spp., Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp., and seed-borne Phomopsis and Sclerotinia.
Insecticides protect your seed investment from below-ground pests, such as wireworms, seedcorn maggots and white grubs. They also provide early-season protection (generally through v5) of above-ground pests such as various worm species, bean leaf beetles, aphids and thrips. It’s important to note, however, that the protection will only last as long as the dosage stays lethal in the plant. Growers need to continue to monitor pests for post-emergent spraying.
Additives are an additional benefit to the product. They often times provide a convenient way to apply the product and provide early-season benefits. These can include nematicide, planting polymers, innoculants and/or bio-stimulants and boosters.
Soybean growers interested in a seed treatment for 2018 should consider Stine® XP soybean seed treatments, which offer growers protection from early seedling diseases and insects that cut into yields and threaten your bottom line. Environmental stressors can wreak havoc on seedlings before, during and after emergence, slowing the germination process and, in some cases, resulting in death of the plant. Stine XP soybean seed treatments protect the soybean seed during its most vulnerable time, encouraging good early vigor and helping ward off the early onset of insects and diseases.
For questions on seed treatments, including our lineup of Stine XP soybean seed treatments, talk to your local Stine sales representative and regional sales agronomist.
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