Last week, we featured harvest updates from Stine Regions 2, 3, 7, 8 and 10. This week, Stine Regions 4, 5, 14, 17, 18 and 20 share their updates. From Kansas and the Delta South to Ohio and Illinois, Stine RSAs are seeing great results from Stine numbers this year.
Region 4 (northwest Iowa and eastern Nebraska)
RSA Todd Schomburg reports that the recent weather has moved harvest forward quickly. Soybean harvest is 95 to 100 percent complete, with corn harvest around 50 to 75 percent finished. As you go north and west in Region 4, corn harvest is a bit slower because those areas have had more rain the last few weeks.
Region 5 (southern Nebraska, southwest Iowa, northeast Colorado)
RSA Chad Kuehl says Region 5 had a late start to harvest but they’re probably 75 percent finished. The last week and a half brought some challenges with weather and strong winds, sometimes gusting up to 50+ miles per hour along with some light snow.
Chad has heard a lot of positive things about our Stine® LibertyLink® and Stine GT 27 soybeans, especially with Stine 26BA32 and 28BA02. On the corn side, it’s been another great year for Stine 9734 and 9808E, which have been very consistent and reliable over the past few years.
Region 14 (Tennessee, southeast Missouri, east central Arkansas, north central Mississippi, northern Alabama and parts of Louisiana)
RSA Kevin Ryan reports that corn harvest in the mid-South is almost complete. Corn yields have been average to slightly above average. Higher-than-expected yields were seen in conventional and glyphosate-tolerant corn as compared to insect-traited corn. Insect pressure may have been less this year, but profitability per acre on non-insect-traited acres was higher than expected. More growers are seeing the benefits of increasing populations, narrowing row spacing and adding corn to their crop rotation.
Soybean harvest varies widely from 30 percent complete in the northern region to 90 percent complete in southern areas, such as Louisiana and the Delta South. Soybean yields have been well above average and, in most cases, better than expected. Some disease pressure from early rains or late hurricane rain caused yield reductions in a few cases. Soybean yields of all traits and conventional varieties seem much more consistent. There appears to be little or no correlation in yield by trait. Overall, we are extremely positive on soybean yields across the board in the mid-South.
Region 17 (west central and southeastern Indiana, central and southern Ohio and parts of Kentucky)
RSA Doug Score reports that Region 17 has approximately 40 percent of the corn shelled and 85 percent of the soybeans cut. With the cool/wet forecast continuing, we will likely see minimal progress this week.
Most of the region dealt with a worst-case scenario growing season, with damaging rains throughout the first half of the growing season. This was followed by very little precipitation the last half of the growing season. So, growers who spent money on field drainage are reaping their rewards this fall. Many field average yields are affected by the percent lost to flooding or saturated soils. Considering those obstacles, Doug notes he’s impressed with Stine genetics and the products’ abilities to overcome these challenges.
Region 18 (southwest Indiana, northwest Kentucky and southeast Illinois)
RSA Jason Green says harvest is in full swing in all three states of Region 18. With the recent turn in the weather, soybean harvest has slowed down and most farmers are putting corn in the bin. Soybean harvest is about 70 percent complete. Yield from the early soybeans has been outstanding in all areas. Leading the way are Stine 36LE32 and 38LE02 in the LibertyLink lineup. Also, the new Stine GT 27 lineup stands out, with Stine 34BA20 leading the pack.
Corn harvest is about 50 percent complete in Region 18. Yields have been very good in places that received timely rains. A Stine master plot was taken out in early September in western Kentucky with an average yield of 250 bushels per acre. Strong performers have been Stine 9709, 9714 and 9808E.
Region 20 (southwest Iowa, northwest Missouri, southeast Nebraska and northern Kansas)
RSA Darrin Petty reports that harvest is off to a slow start because of rain. Soybean yields coming in so far are very good, with Stine 20RD20s averaging 75–80 bushels per acre, 28BA02s averaging 76–80 bushels per acre, 26BA32s averaging 74–76 bushels per acre, 25LH62s averaging 75 plus bushels per acre and 31LE32s averaging 69–75 bushels per acre. Stine GT 27 and LibertyLink beans look very good.
Not much corn has been taken out, so yields are slowly coming in, and they look competitive so far. Corn is looking great in northwest Kansas with very little rain there this year, especially Stine 9728E-G, 9808E-G, 9734E-20, 9734-20 and 9734-0 brand corn hybrids. Dry land and irrigated corn in north central Kansas are doing very well, with Stine 9734-20, 9734-G and 9538-20 standing out. Once the region dries out, everyone will be running hard.
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