Two of growers’ biggest concerns are yield and weed control, and to achieve high yield, growers need to start with clean fields. Weeds can be a crop’s biggest competitor, fighting for the same nutrients, water, light and other elements vital to a plant’s growth process. Because weeds can grow faster than most crops, they need to be tackled early, which is why many growers are turning to Stine® LibertyLink® soybeans.
Glyphosate-resistant weeds are becoming more problematic in my region in north central Missouri and across the United States. With Stine’s LibertyLink soybeans, growers get built-in tolerance to Liberty® herbicide, providing excellent, season-long crop safety. The LibertyLink seed-herbicide system offers fast-acting weed control and is the only nonselective alternative to glyphosate-tolerant systems. The system also controls 120 broadleaf weeds and grasses, including ALS- and glyphosate-resistant weeds.
Stine LibertyLink soybeans allow growers to rotate nonselective herbicides to effectively manage weed resistance and preserve the utility of herbicide-tolerant technologies. That being said, when planting LibertyLink soybeans, I recommend growers put down a pre-herbicide in the fall or spring and then come back with 32 ounces of Liberty, three pounds of AMS and 20 gallons of water as a post-application. This combination will result in some of the cleanest fields you can get.
To learn more about Stine’s LibertyLink soybeans, contact your local Stine sales representative or visit our website.
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