Stine® is delivering yield plus choice by offering 59 different corn hybrids in our 2021 lineup. Our hybrids feature elite, high-yielding genetics combined with the industry’s top trait packages, including Agrisure®, LibertyLink® and Stine GT™ — a new trait that boasts our unique genetics with built-in tolerance to glyphosate-based herbicides. We’re also excited to offer Stine Elite conventional brand corn and HP Corn® designated products in 2021.
Because of our access to top-tier genetics through collaborations with the industry’s leading breeding programs, we test more genetically unique lines of corn than anyone else in the industry. This advantage allows us to bring newer and higher-yielding conventional and traited corn products to market faster and more efficiently than our competitors. We stand behind every hybrid in our lineup, including a few that we’re seeing a lot of interest in for 2021because of their performance this year.
Stine 9140-G Brand Corn
One of our earlier hybrids at 81–83 days relative maturity, Stine 9140-G brand corn features glyphosate tolerance through the Agrisure GT trait. It boasts impressive plant health and early flowering. It has excellent northern adaption and outstanding yield for maturity. This hybrid is a great option for highly productive, good fertility grounds. In most field situations, fungicide may be warranted for this hybrid.
Stine 9202-G Brand Corn
Another option in our early maturity range, Stine 9202-G features the Agrisure Artesian™ GTA trait. This unique technology combines Agrisure Artesian with Agrisure GT for superior performance in drought-like conditions and glyphosate tolerance. An 85–87-day relative maturity hybrid, Stine 9202-G responds well to higher populations, is widely adapted across northern markets west to east, and features good stress tolerance and tolerance to northern corn leaf blight. This hybrid is one of our HP Corn-designated products.
Stine 9543-G Brand Corn
Part of our Stine GT lineup, Stine 9543-G brand corn is a 102–104-day relative maturity hybrid and an excellent choice any row configurations. Stine 9543-G brand corn features glyphosate tolerance so growers can use their preferred glyphosate program and provides very good protection against northern corn leaf blight. This hybrid is a great option for highly productive, good fertility grounds. In most field situations, fungicide may be warranted for this hybrid.
Stine 9709-G Brand Corn
Stine 9709-G brand corn is a 110–112-day relative maturity hybrid and is a taller version of our high-yielding 9714 brand genetic family. With the Stine GT trait, Stine 9709-G is glyphosate tolerant. While it does not boast our HP Corn designation, its strong roots and stalks can handle variable soil types and row configurations, so it responds well to higher populations.
Stine 9714-G Brand Corn
Featuring the Stine GT trait, this glyphosate-tolerant hybrid is in the 105–107-day relative maturity range. It’s a top choice for growers who have refuge acres in this maturity. It responds well to fungicide applications and performs best at average to higher planting populations.
Stine 9744-20 Brand Corn
Stine 9744-20 brand corn is an excellent hybrid for above-ground insect protection and weed control. Featuring the Agrisure Viptera® 3110 and LibertyLink traits, growers can use both glyphosate- and glufosinate-based herbicides to manage tough-to-tackle weeds. It also has a positive response to fungicide applications. This 110–112-day relative maturity hybrid produces medium height plants that work well in most row configurations. It also features workhorse type genetics for those variable soil types.
Stine 9746-20 Band Corn
Growers seeking a great option for above-ground insect protection in the 111–113-day relative maturity range should consider Stine 9746-20. This hybrid features the Agrisure Viptera 3110 and LibertyLink traits for both glyphosate and glufosinate tolerance. It offers very good protection against leaf diseases and produces a medium plant height that works well in any row configuration.
Stine 9808E-G Brand Corn
One of our latest maturity hybrids, Stine 9808E-G was a top yielder in 2020. A 114–116-day relative maturity hybrid, Stine 9808E-G features excellent roots and stalks, very good disease protection and works especially well in loam to clay-loam type soils. It’s a good candidate for all row widths and features glyphosate tolerance through our Stine GT trait.
To learn more about Stine’s high-yielding corn lineup for the next planting season, contact your local Stine sales rep. Need assistance finding your local rep? Consult our Find Stine page on our website.
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