Stine® Has Yield + Options: Get to Know Stine 19EC22 and 37EC20 Brand Soybeans
August 2020Stine® has the industry’s most extensive lineup of Enlist E3® soybeans. For 2021, we’re offering 112 Enlist E3 varieties, ranging from an 007 to a 50 maturity. We’re excited about each of these options and the value they’ll deliver to growers’ operations. Get to know one of our early maturity Enlist E3 options, Stine 19EC22, and a later maturity option, Stine 37EC20.
Stine 19EC22 Brand Soybeans
We’re pleased to offer Stine 19EC22 brand soybeans — a new 19-maturity option that is showing very good emergence and standability. This variety is a medium plant height with excellent yield potential. In fact, this particular variety yielded 105.5% of trial average in our Elite Yield Trials.
Stine 19EC22 brand soybeans also boast an excellent disease package, with very good to good tolerance of phytophthora root rot, SCN, stem canker and sclerotinia white mold. It also has above-average ratings for sudden death syndrome tolerance.
With high-yielding genetics and the Enlist E3 trait package, Stine 19EC22 offers growers peace of mind and choice for their weed control strategy. The Enlist E3 technology allows Stine 19EC22 tolerance to Enlist Duo®, Enlist One®, glyphosate and glufosinate herbicides.
Stine 37EC20 Brand Soybeans
Also a new variety we’re excited about in our 2021 lineup is Stine 37EC20, a 37-maturity variety. It’s part of our Enlist E3 lineup and features tolerance to Enlist One, Enlist Duo, glyphosate and glufosinate, so growers can safely apply their preferred herbicide program to control weeds.
Stine 37EC20 is a salt includer soybean that produces a medium plant height with very good emergence. It’s also proven to be a strong yielder. In our Elite Yield trials, it yielded 106.2% of trial average. This variety also offers solid disease control, with very good tolerance to phytophthora root rot and resistance to SCN and stem canker. It also features very good metribuzin tolerance.
To learn more about our lineup of Stine Enlist E3 soybeans, contact your local Stine sales rep or browse our 2021 Stine Seed Catalog.
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