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Stine RSAs share their top planting tips for 2022.

February 2022 

We have it on good authority that planting is underway in parts of Texas, but it’s still several weeks away for some areas as Winter Storm Oaklee bears down and brings with it snow and ice to cover the north and northeast regions. For those in the field already — we can’t wait to hear from you as planting progresses. For those who still have several weeks to go, our regional sales agronomists (RSAs) have dusted off a few of their go-to tips to prepare for #Plant22.

“As we get into the planting season, the biggest thing I say to growers is to make sure soil conditions are good before planting any corn or soybeans. Getting the best start for any corn or soybean plant should be your number one focus. Many growers will plant soybeans early again if conditions allow, so make sure you consider seed treatments to protect the seed to the fullest.” — Dustin Ellis, Region 4 RSA (north-central Iowa)

“A tip I highly recommend moving forward is that we all plan for the possibility of a drought this year. We are currently behind in moisture as we sit now. It’s always a good idea to pay attention to where we stand with moisture.” — Joe Gorenz, Region 11 RSA (northeastern and central Illinois)

“My key recommendations would be to remember planter maintenance before you get to the field, and know your soil temperatures, not just air temperature. Just because it’s 70 degrees does not necessarily mean soil temperatures are correct for seed germination. Soil temperature at planting depth must be a stable 50 degrees or more to get both corn and soybeans to germinate. It’s also very important to know the planting forecast for the week after planting and your soil temperature at and after planting. Soil temperatures below 50 degrees will lose both germination and stand counts. Protect your investment and know your soil temperature.” — Kevin Ryan, Region 14 RSA (mid-South)

“Be flexible! Last year brought us many twists and turns. This year is shaping up to be similar. With some products in tight or no supply, Plan A may not be an option. Work with your trusted agronomists to make a plan to help you maintain your sanity throughout this growing season.” — Ted Olson, Region 19 RSA (central Illinois) 

"Make sure you are meeting with your Stine ISR or RSA to ensure you get the right products on the correct acres to maximize yields and your ROI." — Darrin Petty, Region 20 RSA (southwestern Iowa, northwestern Missouri and northeastern Kansas)

“Planting has started in southern Texas, but here are a few of my top tips for growers heading into the season: 

  1. Start clean.
  2. Be consistent.
  3. Never start on a Friday.” — Todd Oliver, Region 27 RSA (Texas)

For more tips on planting season prep, contact your local Stine sales rep or regional sales agronomist. Happy #Plant22!