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Study Finds LibertyLink Soybeans Most Valued by Growers in 2017

November 2017 

The results are in! An independent study conducted by Kynetec — a leader in agricultural market research — reveals that growers prefer LibertyLink® soybeans over all other trait platforms available in 2017. Bayer Crop Science announced the news in mid-November, stating the LibertyLink system was rated the highest trait platform of 2017, with 97 percent of farmers who planted the system rating LibertyLink as “good” or “excellent.” Kynetec surveyed approximately 500 growers in 21 states for the study.

Other highlights from the report reveal that weed control is top of mind for growers, which ranked higher than yield, and Liberty® herbicide was voted the number one herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds. It also ranked high for ease of use and lack of off-target movement. 

The report also estimates that with the success of the LibertyLink system and high grower satisfaction, 17 million acres of LibertyLink soybeans will be planted in 2018 — more than a 25 percent increase over 2017.

At Stine, we’re not surprised by these results. From talking to our own growers, it’s clear that our line of Stine® LibertyLink soybeans outperforms the rest. You can even view some Stine LibertyLink success stories through our I Choose Stine grower testimonials, located on our Stine Stories website

Stine is pleased to offer 48 Stine LibertyLink varieties to growers in 2018. Stine LibertyLink soybeans combine high-yielding genetics with outstanding crop safety through built-in tolerance to fast-acting Liberty herbicide. The combination controls more than 120 broadleaf weeds and grasses, including ALS- and glyphosate-resistant weeds. And there is no documented weed resistance to the unique mode of action of Liberty worldwide.

Learn more about our lineup of Stine LibertyLink soybeans in our 2018 seed catalog or contact your local Stine sales representative.