Stine® Enlist E3® soybeans have yield, and that certainly rings true for Stine 34EA12 brand soybeans. A 3.4-maturity soybean, Stine 34EA12 has been a consistently high-yielding variety in our lineup throughout Stine’s territory over the past few years, and one we’ve had success with in our own operations. In fact, Stine 34EA12 yielded 103.4 percent of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield trials.
As an Enlist E3 soybean, Stine 34EA12 combines the high-yielding genetics growers expect from Stine with an advanced herbicide-tolerant trait technology and the ability to use three unique modes of action for exceptional weed control. Specifically, Stine 34EA12 soybeans feature tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate and a new a new 2,4-D choline — an excellent combination to combat common, prolific weeds. This tolerance allows growers to use Enlist Duo® or Enlist One® herbicides for outstanding weed control against tough weeds such as palmer amaranth, waterhemp, giant ragweed, lambsquarter, marestail, morning glory, velvet leaf and common ragweed. Additionally, growers can have peace of mind when using this herbicide combination as applications are designed to land and stay on target.
Stine 34EA12 grow to medium height and have very good emergence and standability, leading to great early vigor for outstanding physical performance. They also feature an excellent disease package, with very good phytophthora root rot resistance and above average iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance. Additionally, this variety is SCN, brown stem rot and stem canker resistant.
When it comes to Enlist E3 soybeans, nobody does it better than Stine. In fact, results from more than 12,000 trials indicate that Stine’s newest, highest-yielding Enlist E3 lines provide, on average, a $22.00+/acre advantage when compared with other Enlist E3 products in the industry.* Growers interested in Stine 34EA12 brand soybeans or another Enlist E3 variety can contact their local Stine sales rep for more information.
*$22 per acre profit advantage is based on analysis of Stine’s newest select Enlist E3 lines relative to 218 industry lines in 12,000 replicated trials conducted in 2019.
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