Stine Seed Company is among the first seed companies to commit to offering U.S. soybean growers a new trait that will usher in the next era of soybean performance. Stine announced its intention to license Balance™ GT soybeans, which are part of the Balance GT™ Soybean Performance System unveiled last week at the Commodity Classic convention and trade show.
“Stine has a rich tradition of innovation and offering choice to our customers,” says Stine Sales and Marketing Director David Thompson. “Balance GT soybeans will give growers another option for achieving strong yields with effective weed control.”
The Balance GT system is the result of collaboration between MS Technologies and Bayer CropScience LLC. Balance GT soybeans feature a dual herbicide tolerant trait stack with tolerance to both glyphosate and isoxaflutole, the active chemistry in Balance® Bean herbicide. Balance GT soybeans will be available in high-yielding genetics in many maturity groups in the U.S. in 2015, pending regulatory approvals.
Balance GT soybeans will offer growers the flexibility to use both glyphosate and isoxaflutole during burndown, pre- or post-emergence to achieve broad spectrum weed control of both grasses and broadleaf weeds.
“All across the country, our customers have one thing in common. They like having a broad range of choices so they can select the best options for their unique operations,” says Thompson. “With Balance GT soybeans, we will provide them with one more available tool to help them combat weeds and maximize per acre profits.”
About Stine Seed Farm, Inc.
Stine Seed Farm Inc., headquartered near Adel, Iowa, is focused on developing and marketing the world’s best-performing corn and soybean seed through its retail arm, Stine Seed Company. Stine Seed Farm Inc. operates one of the industry’s largest corn and soybean breeding and development programs. For more than five decades, Stine’s soybean research program has been regarded as the soybean genetics supplier of choice to the seed industry. For more information, call toll-free 800-362-2510 or visit